Waitin' for the ceremony to begin

So, we've, made our way to the site. I'm all glamorous and Chet's looking good. Now... we have to wait.

Bride's maids

This is why I love these women

{insert awesome caption here}
And... don't I look great in that chair? And that dress?!

It is my professional opinion that every bride needs to blow bubbles prior to getting hitched.

Lindsey fixing Doug's.. button?

Meeting our DJ for the first time... about 10 minutes before the ceremony (one of many complaints)

I has a tie!

This looks like an intense conversation, though I have absolutely no idea what it was about.

Groomsmen entertaining themselves. We blew bubbles, they played with toobers and zots.

Ta-da!!! or "YMCA!"

At this point, my bridesmaids were missing, my groom was gone, and the pastor wasn't there...

Next up... we're married.

1 comment:

Megan said...

im glad you're blogging about this!!! i like getting to see pics