12-6 It started snowing lightly, so I made us our my favorite winter meal: tomato soup and grilled cheese. You can see our awesome (though dirty) kitchen.

12-7 I'm 22! Chet purchased a Beatles album for me, which I love.

12-8 As a birthday present, Mother Nature decided to give us a blizzard and cancel school for the week, essentially. Woo! Chet apparently does not like snow, but I talked him into going out in it for a bit.

12-9 We had to purchase a snow shovel, and this was the sunset on the drive home. I love sunsets.

12-10 That would be our snow, during the first blizzard. We've had two this month.

12-11 I went to dinner with some UNL McNair scholars. It was good, and strange at the same time to be seen as an authority on grad school now, especially since I feel far from that.

12-12 We went out to dinner for my birthday and it was so much fun. We really have some good friends here. They make it sane.
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