© BrickWood Events
Pretty huh?
So, how did I do it? Well, very carefully.
First, you need a bag of corks. These can be purchased at any beer or wine making store. We got 25 corks for $4.00
You also need an exacto type knife (I used the utility knife from my tool kit) and something to cut on. I chose to cut on my wedding to do list, it was cathartic.

First step: cut about 1/3 of the way into the cork so that you can create a base. Basically, you have to cut the bottom of the cork off, and it's a pain. But don't be afraid!

This is what the bottom of the cork should look like.

Next: you'll want to sand down the bottom of the cork so it sits nicely. Just keep sanding until you're happy.

See? Pretty.

Now, the obnoxious part. It's a toss up of whether this is easier or harder than the other. The thing you have to focus on here is a) cutting straight and b) making it wide enough to be able to slip paper into, but not so wide that it won't tightly hold the paper.

VoĆla! You have a pretty cork place holder thing. You'll notice they aren't perfect, but they were really nice. A quick google search shows that you can get about 8 corks for $12.00 that are like this, which is like 1.50 each. Ours were 25 for $4.00 or .16 a piece. My math may be wrong, you're more than welcome to correct. In this case, I felt like this was legit as far as a craft goes. (Unlike the invitations) One thing to be wary of is blisters, which I had after 25. Not the kind that can be popped, but little red ones. Just a warning.
On another note, I heard that someone is following my directions for the garter. That makes me so happy! If you do any of these, please send photos? There is absolutely nothing like hearing people read your blog to make you want to keep blogging.
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