Dear Wedding Gods:

'ello there,

I'm Nicole, and I have yet to really sit down and talk to you through this wedding planning process. However, I'm feeling it's time to speak to you. We need to have a talk about the dreams I"m having. I realize that I think about the wedding about 23 out of the 24 hours of the day... but in my defense I sleep a good 8 of those. I feel that those 8 should be wedding free. There are so many other things to dream about. I really don't think that I need to add to that list cupcake tins filled with flowers. (side bar: that was a legit dream lastnight.)

Okay, so I would really appreciate that. Among other things, but that will be fodder for later prayers.

Love, Nicole


ashton said...

The picture is the best thing about this blog. For real. haha

sara said...

Oh I totally know how you feel. I'm always so disappointed when I wake up from a wedding dream. It probably doesn't help that I'm reading wedding blogs at 11 at night. Good luck to you.